history behind the scenes makes it easy for you to receive a professional quality heirloom. We partner with several small presses to produce high quality memoirs, family and group histories. history behind the scenes produces the manuscript, complete with photographs and other illustrations; the press designs and edits your publication before turning it into a high quality publication. We both welcome client input throughout the creation of your heirloom publication. See what each of us does below.

history behind the scenes
initiates your project with a meeting to explore your ideas and expectations. Next, we draw up a cost estimate with a partner press. The process of creating a manuscript begins when a letter of agreement is signed.

history behind the scenes
moves on to conduct one or more interviews with the subject(s) of the personal history. Next up is a review of personal papers & photographs, development of a story outline, organization and writing, selection of photographs and illustrations for the publication and the creation of the manuscript.
Our partner presses have all the options and services available to you for your heirloom personal history project.

They offer standard book designs and book sizes. Clients will choose their designs and sizes early in the process before the letter of agreement is signed.

The partner press begins work on your personal history heirloom once it receives the manuscript from history behind the scenes. This part of the process includes editing, proofreading, design & formatting, pre-press printing and binding.

You have to write the book that wants to be written.
Madeleine L'Engle / American Author